A lot of people ask us “How Do You Dry Your Poop?” We are surprised when we hear those questions as we just assumed everyone knew how to dry crap. But, based on the hundreds of times we get asked this question apparently they don’t. Fresh Piles of Poop Drying in the Sun Anyone…
Author: enzoreyn
How Do Seagulls Nest ?
Seagulls, like many other bird species, have a variety of nesting habits depending on the species and the environment in which they live. Here’s a general overview of how seagulls typically nest: Nesting Sites: Seagulls usually nest in colonies, often on coastal cliffs, rocky ledges, or islands. Some species may also nest on sandy…
How many people per year are pooped on by gulls ?
SUMMARY: “While it’s hard to know exactly how many people are pooped on by gulls each ear as many of the incidents go unreported, It’s worth noting that while being pooped on by a bird may be an unpleasant experience, it is generally harmless from a health perspective. However, it’s advisable to clean the affected…
Why are seagulls often called “Flying Rats” ?
The Seagull – A Rat With Wings! The term “Flying Rats” is a colloquial and somewhat derogatory nickname for seagulls. There are a few reasons why people may refer to seagulls in this way: Abundance in Urban Areas: Seagulls are often found in coastal areas, where they scavenge for food. In urban environments, especially near…
Can you Eat Seagull Poop ?
“Don’t Eat Seagull Poop, It may Give you the Shit’s” Because we are seagull poop experts, people often ask us “Can you Eat Segull Poop ?” and our answer has always been “I guess you could, but why would you want too ?” But after further study, we highly recommend you DO NOT EAT SEAGULL…
How many different types of seagulls are there ?
There are many species of gulls, commonly referred to as seagulls, distributed worldwide. Gulls belong to the family Laridae, and their species diversity is extensive. The exact number of gull species may vary based on taxonomy and ongoing scientific research, but there are approximately 50 to 60 recognized species of gulls. Some well-known gull species…
Do Seagulls Make God Pets ?
In general, seagulls do not make good pets. Here are several reasons why: Wild Nature: Seagulls are wild birds and have specific needs that are challenging to meet in a domestic setting. They have natural behaviors and instincts that may be difficult to accommodate in a home environment. Legal Restrictions: In many places, it is…
What is the Seagull Capital of the World ?
“December 17-23, 2018 (Week 51 of 52): Niagara Falls is the Gull Capital of the World” Originally Posted Here – https://bnnatureblog.com/2019/12/21/december-17-23-2018-week-51-of-52-niagara-falls-is-the-gull-capital-of-the-world-2/ Many ardent birdwatchers consider Niagara Falls, and sections of the Niagara River upstream and downstream of the Falls, to be the “Gull Capital of the World” in recognition of the abundance and diversity of…
Is it good luck for a Seagull to crap on your Head ?
“May the Seagull of Happiness Crap all over your Birthday Cake!” The belief that it is good luck for a bird to defecate on you is a superstition and varies among cultures. In some cultures, it is considered a sign of good luck or prosperity, while in others, it may be seen as a symbol…
What Are the Health Benefits of Humor ?
Our whole lives we have been very lucky to have known and been surrounded by “fun people” and great storytellers. I wasn’t exactly sure why, but whenever I was “down in the dumps” A good story and/or a couple of laughs and I was suddenly feeling much better. Now that I am older I have…