A lot of people ask us “How Do You Dry Your Poop?”
We are surprised when we hear those questions as we just assumed everyone knew how to dry crap. But, based on the hundreds of times we get asked this question apparently they don’t.
Fresh Piles of Poop Drying in the Sun
Anyone can dry bird poop, the problem begins when you are trying to do it in large quantities. Not only do you need a lot of room, you have to put up with the smell! Oh, and you also need a lot of seagulls. Most people don’t know where to begin, that’s why seagull poop is so rare.
We pride ourselves on not using any chemicals to dry our poop, just good old fashioned Sun Shine. I have to admit when we were just starting out we did try various other methods of poop drying but I can tell you from experience, Do Not Try and dry poop in your wifes oven – It will make your whole house smell like Crap! and could even lead to a divorce! Stay smart and come to the worlds #1 source of dried Seagull Poop – SeagullPoop.com!